nTrolus Privacy Statement
At nTrolus, we know that online privacy is important to our customers and you have
a right to know how information we collect through this website will and will not
be used. We have created this privacy statement to demonstrate our commitment to
privacy and to help you understand what kind of information we collect through the
nTrolus.com web site (the "Site") as well as how we collect and use your information.
This policy contains important information that impacts our use of your personal
data. Please read this policy carefully. Use of this Site is absolutely conditioned
upon reviewing, understanding and agreeing to all of the information, disclosures
and disclaimers contained in (1) this Privacy Statement; and (2) the Terms and Conditions
of Use governing the other terms of use of this Site.
Your Privacy
We do not collect or use Personal Information (as described below) about you except
as discussed in this Privacy Statement. In accordance with this Privacy Statement,
we may collect your information for purposes that include tracking the number and
kinds of visitors to the web site, analyzing the performance of the web site and
tracking customer preferences as well as for internal marketing purposes as described
more fully below.
If you have requested information about nTrolus or our products, we will use your
Personal Information to respond to such requests. We may pass requests and associated
Personal Information collected from this web site to a third party service provider
for action and follow-up. That third party is also bound by this Privacy Policy
and has agreed only to use Personal Information accordingly.
Although it may be necessary for you to provide Personal Information to us to take
advantage of certain features of this Site, we will not use your Personal Information
to send you promotional materials (except in response to your specific requests)
or otherwise use or disclose your information to anybody (except as already disclosed)
unless you affirmatively indicate that you would like to receive future promotional
materials regarding nTrolus products and services at the time you provide Personal
Information. If you also affirmatively indicate that you would like to receive future
promotional materials regarding products and services from third parties with whom
nTrolus has strategic business relationships, your Personal Information may be released
to and used by such third parties from time to time. By using the procedures outlined
below, you will have the opportunity to correct or change any of the Personal Information
you provide to us, including changing your initial decision as to whether or not
you would like us to use your Personal Information to provide information on products
or services that may be of interest to you.
What is "Personal Information"?
As used in this Privacy Statement, "Personal Information" includes one or more of
the following types of information: name, company name, phone number, e-mail address,
zip code, and similar unique or personal information that could identify you.
Identifying Information. Unique identifiers (such as customer numbers assigned by
nTrolus or e-mail addresses) are collected to verify the user's identity, for use
as account numbers in our record system, and for other verification purposes.
Information Requested Data. We may track the kinds of information you request and
view through our Site to help us determine what promotional and other informational
mailings may be of interest to you.
Traffic Data
In addition to "Personal Information" that you voluntarily provide, our Site also
gathers data generated automatically by traffic to our Site ("Traffic Data"). For
example, we use your computer's IP address to help diagnose problems with our server,
and to administer our Site. Your IP address may be used to help identify you and
to gather broad demographic information.
Our Site may use "cookies" to provide customer efficiencies such as automatically
filling in standard information on return visits. "Cookies" are small pieces of
information that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive. Most
web browsers automatically accept cookies, but most browsers also allow you to configure
your web browser to refuse cookies or to notify you before a cookie is set. You
also can manually view (and delete) any cookies stored on your computer. You can
still use most of the features in the Site even if your browser is configured to
refuse cookies.
This Site may also require you to accept "session cookies" to enable certain functions
as you navigate the Site. "Session cookies" are small pieces of information that
are stored in your browser and passed back to the server whenever a request for
a new page is made. The session cookie is not saved or written to disk and is discarded
when the browser exits. Most web browsers automatically accept session cookies,
but most browsers also allow you to configure your web browser to refuse them or
to notify you before a cookie is set.
This Website may provide hyperlinks to other sites on the Worldwide Web. The other
sites so linked are maintained by third parties over which we exercise no control.
Without limitation, we expressly disclaim any responsibility for:
- the content or accuracy of information contained on such linked sites;
- the suitability or quality of any product or service provided by or advertised by any linked
- the privacy practices or the content of such web sites.
We neither endorse nor make any representation regarding any linked site and we
advise you to check the privacy policies of such other sites.
Choice, Opt-In and Removal
Our Site provides you with the opportunity to opt to receive communications from
nTrolus or others at the point where we request Personal Information.
To remove your Personal Information from our database and/or to not receive future
communications, please contact us using the
Contact Form
we have provided on our Site.
Contacting the Web Site
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site,
or your dealings with this web site, please contact the Webmaster, using the
Webmaster Contact Form
provided on our Site.